Unit 3 Collective Bargaining Agreement. RECOGNITION CLAUSE . If you're unsure which bargaining unit you're in or have other questions, check your new hire paperwork or call your local human resources contact to learn more. Article 28: Difference In Pay Leaves. Office of Academic Personnel OAPL Menu Show search box. Voluntary CSU Retiree Vision Plan, which is paid by the retiree. IllinoisJobLink.com is a web-based job-matching and labor market information system. Units 2, 5, 7 and 9 - CSUEU. Agreement , It is hereby agreed as follows: ARTICLE I . CSUEU/CSU Collective Bargaining Agreement Page 2 January 16, 2007 - June 30, 2011 2.4 Bargaining Unit - The term "bargaining unit" as used in this Agreement refers to one or more of the bargaining units defined in Article 1, Recognition. Article 2 - Definitions There are 29 definitions located here that clarify and build context for significant portions of the contract. Unit 3 Collective Bargaining Agreement. Article 28: Difference In Pay Leaves. Office of Academic Personnel . Salary Recovery Adjustments (SRA) Temporary faculty unit employees holding three-year appointments under provision . JAMES BAY LOWLANDS BARGAINING UNIT FOR THE PERIOD SEPTEMBER 1, 2004 TO AUGUST 31, 2008 . Ne w to the CSU? Dear Colleagues, We are proud to share this copy of the new Collective Bargaining Agreement between the California . Article 27: Sabbatical Leaves. The CFA/CSU and UAW/CSU Collective Bargaining Agreements outline the policies and procedures for Unit 3 (Faculty) and Unit 11 (Academic Student Employees). The Congress of Faculty Associations won representation rights for the faculty bargaining unit at CSU in a 1983 election. Step 3. Collective Bargaining Agreements & Updates. CSU-CFA Unit 3 Collective Bargaining Agreement Overview William Whiting, Daisy Lemus, Michelle Kilmnick, and Albert Alcazar . CSUEU/CSU Collective Bargaining Agreement Page 2 July 21, 2009 - May 31, 2012 2.6 Chancellor - The term . Unit 11 Collective Bargaining Agreement. Only employees in City job titles in this bargaining unit are eligible to bid. bargaining unit classifications or (c) any classification change which would result in an incumbent Unit 3 employee being reclassified to a different bargaining unit. Office of Academic Personnel . Download Current Unit 3 CBA. The Office of Human Resources at CSU East Bay interprets and administers each of the staff collective bargaining agreements (except for the agreements for Unit 3 - California Faculty Association, and Unit 11 . Open Task Nav. Step 2. The Hooksett School Board recognizes the Hooksett Education Association as the exclusive bargaining representative for the unit described below for the purpose of negotiating with the terms and conditions of employment as defined in RSA 273-A. CSU-AAUP Collective Bargaining Agreement 2016-2021 i Table of Contents Job Security Table of Contents Preamble Article 1 - Definitions 1.1 Board 1.2 Connecticut State University 1.2.1 University 1.3 Management/Managers 1.3.1 President of the BOR 1.3.2 President 1.4 Bargaining Unit CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY . February 3, 2022 | Unit 3 CSU and CFA Ratify Successor Contract. CFA/CSU COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENT February 3, 2022 - June 30, 2024 iv ARTICLE 21 Appointment to Summer Term as . The contract is the result of a joint effort by CSU and CSUEU in successfully securing funding in the 2021 State Budget ( Sena te Bill 129) for an independent evaluation of the salary structure of non-faculty staff. Collective Bargaining Agreement - Unit 11 (opens in new window) Unit 11 - UAW Tentative Agreement - Oct. 15, 2021 (PDF) If you need . Use the menu below to select another unit and view its bargaining agreement and other materials. 2. CFA/CSU COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENT February 3, 2022 - June 30, 2024 Article 12 a. faculty unit employees, and coaching faculty unit employees may be developed at the campus level. Prior to the effective date of a new classification, CFA may request a meeting with the CSU to discuss whether the new classification is appropriate for the bargaining unit. 31.3 Bargaining unit employees shall receive written notification of all salary increases that occur during an academic year. If such programs are established, the evaluation process shall be developed by a committee comprised of faculty . Teaching Associates, Graduate Assistants, and Instructional Student Assistants. Article 27: Sabbatical Leaves. Article 2: Definitions. The labor agreement formally describes the rights and obligations of represented employees and management in relation to each other. UNIT 3: FACULTY . Dear Colleagues, We are proud to share this copy of the new Collective Bargaining Agreement between the California . Features of a 1983-1986 faculty collective bargaining contract at the California State University (CSU) are described. BID INSTRUCTIONS: Apply on the . 2015A/W 3 A 3 2 10.9 The panel shall consist of all full-time faculty unit members of Bargaining Unit 3 on a campus. Ne w to the CSU? UNIT 3: FACULTY . In effect until June 30, 2024 . Collective Agreements "A collective agreement, or collective bargaining agreement (CBA), is a written contract negotiated through collective bargaining for employees by one or more trade unions with the management of a company (or with an employers' association) that regulates the terms and conditions of employees at work.This includes regulating the wages, benefits, and duties of the . CFA/CSU COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENT February 3, 2022 - June 30, 2024 Article 31 - - . This position is open to the public and all current city employees covered under the City's Collective Bargaining Agreement with AMERICAN FEDERATION OF STATE, COUNTY, AND MUNICIPAL EMPLOYEES (AFSCME) - BARGAINING UNIT 1, 3, 4 & 5. Download the contract (PDF, large file, allow time to download) Download the April 2016 Salary Settlement (PDF) Download Amendments to Range Elevation Procedures 2016 . CSUEU/CSU Collective Bargaining Agreement Page 3 January 31, 2018 - June 30, 2020 Extended to June 30, 2022 2.11 CSUEU Administrator - The term "CSUEU Administrator" as used in this . CSUEU/CSU Collective Bargaining Agreement Page 2 November 12, 2014 - June 30, 2017 ARTICLE 2 DEFINITIONS 2.1 Administrator - The term "administrator" as used in this Agreement refers to an . This newsletter issue considers in separate articles: (1) unionization in 1981 among college faculty in the United States; (2) unionization at the California State University and College System (CSU) (by Lisa Flanzraich); (3) multi-year agreements; (4) contract size; (5) and, in "Yeshivawatch," developments pertaining to the National Labor Relations Board v. Collective Bargaining Agreements & Updates. Bargaining News. California State University Office of the Chancellor. Search CSU, Chico. Article 1: Recognition. 3. Who is eligible to FERP? . 2.3 Bargaining Unit - The term "bargaining unit" as used in this Agreement refers to one or more of the bargaining units defined in Article 1, Recognition. Tenured faculty and tenured Librarian and Counselor faculty who have reached the age of 55, 60, or 62 . -New 20.36: for the three years of the agreement, newly hired tenure-track faculty shall not be assigned more than 18 WTU of direct instruction per year (semester) or 24 WTU per year (quarter). Find information about all CSU bargaining units here. Current page: Collective Bargaining Agreement Collective Bargaining Agreement . The 2014-2017 faculty contract is the Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) between CFA and CSU Management. . Collective Bargaining Agreement - Unit 11 (opens in new window) Unit 11 - UAW Tentative Agreement - Oct. 15, 2021 (PDF) If you need . . 2.3 Bargaining Unit - The term "bargaining unit" as used in this Agreement refers to the bargaining unit defined in Article 1, Recognition, and the appendices. CFA/CSU COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENT February 3, 2022 - June 30, 2024 Article 15 A R T I C L E 1 5 E V A L U A T I O N . Salary Recovery Adjustments (SRA) Temporary faculty unit employees holding three-year appointments under provision . Article 2: Definitions. November 12, 2014 - June 30, 2017Co ntract Extension to September 30, 2021. General Salary Increase (GSI) All Unit 3 faculty will receive a GSI of 1.6%. Sanctions imposed in a . Bargaining News; Collective Bargaining Agreements & Updates; Tentative Agreements; Public Notices; . TEACHER shall be defined as a member of the Teacher Bargaining Unit covered under this Collective Agreement. It is worth a quick read. Unit 3 CFA/CSU Collective Bargaining Agreement 1. California State University, Chico 400 West First Street Chico, CA 95929. The California Faculty Association's (CFA) union membership has voted to approve ratification of the collective bargaining agreement (CBA). Download Current Unit 3 CBA. (Unit 3) California Faculty Association (opens in new window) (Unit 4) Academic Professionals of California (APC) . 11/10/2021. Ratified February 3, 2022 . For purposes of this section, one (1) year of service shall be considered employment of one (1) semester or two (2) quarters in the bargaining unit on a single CSU campus during a single academic year. Negotiation Updates - 8/26/14 CFA and CSU - Extension of Current Collective Bargaining Agreement (PDF, 489 KB) This follows similar action by members of the Board of Trustees who voted unanimously to ratify the contract at the January board meeting . 10.10 CSU and CFA shall each designate one individual to serve as a panel co . -New 20.36: for the three years of the agreement, newly hired tenure-track faculty shall not be assigned more than 18 WTU of direct instruction per year (semester) or 24 WTU per year (quarter). To view the Collective Bargaining Agreement for your union, click the appropriate link below: Unit 1 : California Federation of the Union of American Physicians and Dentists (UAPD) Unit 2, 5, 7, 9 : California State University Employee's Union (CSUEU) Unit 3 : California Faculty Association (CFA) Unit 4 : Academic Professionals of California . Article 29: Faculty Early Retirement Program. FERP and Rehired Annuitants eligible. You may choose the basic and premier The application shall include a statement of the purpose of the sabbatical, a . Find information about all CSU bargaining units here. 401 Golden Shore Long Beach CA 90802 (562) 951-4000 . Unit 11 Collective Bargaining Agreement. Article 1: Recognition. 27.3 The faculty unit employee shall submit an application for a sabbatical leave. Features of a 1983-1986 faculty collective bargaining contract at the California State University (CSU) are described. Article 10 - Grievances Understanding Article 10 can help you reframe grievances as an opportunity to (Unit 3) California Faculty Association (opens in new window) (Unit 4) Academic Professionals of California (APC) . Negotiation Updates - 8/26/14 CFA and CSU - Extension of Current Collective Bargaining Agreement (PDF, 489 KB) If you're unsure which bargaining unit you're in or have other questions, check your new hire paperwork or call your local human resources contact to learn more. Close Task Nav. CSU-AAUP Collective Bargaining Agreement 2016-2021 i Table of Contents Job Security Table of Contents Preamble Article 1 - Definitions 1.1 Board 1.2 Connecticut State University 1.2.1 University 1.3 Management/Managers 1.3.1 President of the BOR 1.3.2 President 1.4 Bargaining Unit Article 3: Effect of Agreement. CFA/CSU Collective Bargaining Agreement November 12, 2014 June 30, 2017 May 2015 Printing 4 0560, 0562, 0564, 1195, 2158, 2160, 2282, 2308, 2310, 2320, 2321, 2322, . Collective Bargaining Agreement (Unit 3) Unit 3 - CFA Tentative Agreement - Ratified February 3, 2022 - [PDF] collective > bargaining as a peaceful, fair, and orderly way of . The notification shall include the reason for the salary increase, the new rate of pay, and the effective date of . . It was extended to 2021, with the changes explained in the post below. Attention is directed to: grievance procedures; appointment, probation, tenure, and promotions; layoff; salary schedule; exceptional merit service awards . Step 2. . Possible movement to Lecture B (Rank 3), if lecturer has a terminal degree within the field (LSC). California State University, Chico 400 West First Street Chico, CA 95929. Current page: Collective Bargaining Agreement Collective Bargaining Agreement . Open Task Nav. CSU Updates on recent CSU/CFA negotiations. CSU-CFA Unit 3 Collective Bargaining Agreement Overview William Whiting, Daisy Lemus, Michelle Kilmnick, and Albert Alcazar . Ratified February 3, 2022 . CFA/CSU COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENT February 3, 2022 - June 30, 2024 Article 19 A R T I C L E 1 9 D I S C I P L I N A R Y A C T I O N P R O C E D U R E . ARTICLE I - PURPOSE 1.01 It is the intent and purpose of the Parties to this Agreement, to set forth certain of the . Search CSU, Chico. 19.1 This Article shall apply to all bargaining unit employees excluding temporary employees who have been employed for one semester or quarter or less. 2.4 Calendar Year - The term "calendar year " as used in this Agreement refers to the . 2.5 Bargaining Unit Employee - The term "bargaining unit employee" as used in this 2.3 Bargaining Unit - The term "bargaining unit " as used in this Agreement refers to the bargaining unit defined in Article 1, Recognition. Collective Bargaining Agreement, Unit 3 Faculty Contract.) The CFA/CSU and UAW/CSU Collective Bargaining Agreements outline the policies and procedures for Unit 3 (Faculty) and Unit 11 (Academic Student Employees). Step 3. Attention is directed to: grievance procedures; appointment, probation, tenure, and promotions; layoff; salary schedule; exceptional merit service awards . FERP and Rehired Annuitants eligible. In effect until June 30, 2024 . Article 3: Effect of Agreement. Possible movement to Lecture B (Rank 3), if lecturer has a terminal degree within the field (LSC). Office of Academic Personnel OAPL Menu Show search box. . Article 29: Faculty Early Retirement Program. CSU Updates on recent CSU/CFA negotiations. 2.3 Bargaining Unit - The term "bargaining unit" as used in this Agreement refers to one or more of the bargaining units defined in Article 1, Recognition. General Salary Increase (GSI) All Unit 3 faculty will receive a GSI of 1.6%. CFA/CSU COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENT February 3, 2022 - June 30, 2024 Article 27 27.17 A faculty unit employee on sabbatical leave shall be entitled to accrue sick . The Congress of Faculty Associations won representation rights for the faculty bargaining unit at CSU in a 1983 election. CFA/CSU COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENT February 3, 2022 - June 30, 2024 iv ARTICLE 21 Appointment to Summer Term as . November 12, 2014 - June 30, 2017Co ntract Extension to September 30, 2021. CSUEU MOU: Out of State Employment Policy. Teaching Associates, Graduate Assistants, and Instructional Student Assistants. When claiming a violation of the Collective Bargaining Agreement, the term or terms of the Agreement alleged to have been violated, misinterpreted, or misapplied; . CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY . Close Task Nav. Collective Bargaining Agreement (Unit 3) Unit 3 - CFA Tentative Agreement - Ratified February 3, 2022 - [PDF] a.
csu collective bargaining agreement unit 3

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