on Homeroom Guidance (HG) Implementation Guidelines During Crisis Situation AUGUST 7, 2020 9:00 am to 12:00 nn (Morning Session) 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm (Afternoon Session) Opening Prayer Philippine National Anthem Himno ng Cavite. HOMEROOM GUIDANCE LEARNER’S DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENT School Year 2021 - 2022 KINDERGARTEN Name of Learner: THALIA JANE N. DELA CRUZ Section: MANGGA Name of Adviser: JOCELYN M. LUALHATI Learning Modality:BLENDED To the class adviser: Check the box to indicate your assessment guided by the scale below.1- No Chance to Observe 2- Needs … Download Guide To Occupational Choice And Training books , Homeroom guidance activities should always keep graduation requirements on the radar screen. Admin 5:21 AM. Personal and Social Development, and. Helps you recover from COVID-19 more quickly. BUREAU OF CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT DepEd Cavite Quality Policy The Schools Division Office of … (DM-OUC1-2021-346 Homeroom Guidance (HG) during Crisis Situation for S. Y. Republic of the Philippines Department of Education CARAGA Region Schools Division of Tandag City TANDAG CENTRAL ELEMENTARY SCHOOL District III References: HOMEROOM GUIDANCE ACTION PLAN SY 2021-2022 1. Prevents serious illness, hospitalization and death. Introduction Making simple and good choices is one of your tasks as you grow older.You choose what … Prevents serious illness, hospitalization and death. IV. Determine the consequences of decisions based on different conditions or situations Week 4 HGKPS-IIg.1-10 HGKPS-IIg.2-10 2 nd Quarter Analyze the relationship of one’s skills and experiences in choosing a profession, vocation and future plans Understand the … Developed new unit plans for MYP7, MYP 8 and MYP 9 Participated in constructing MYP7’s class website Students used the rest of class times to reflect on their own family traditions igcse,A lvl, Myp & Dp Design, Personal projects, Global Perspectives Aktivitas During 4 weeks of the unit study, Chinese high school kids worked on figure drawing during my art class MYP1; MYP2 - … Game Show ppt.pptx. 3.Show the importance of help from adult when making good choices. In reference to the Inclusion of Homeroom Guidance in the SF-9 (Report Card and SF-10 Form 137) as stated in the DM-OUC1-2021-346 or the Revised Implementation of Homeroom Guidance (HG) during Crisis Situation for S.Y. (DM-OUC1-2021-346 Homeroom Guidance (HG) during Crisis Situation for S. Y. In preparation for S.Y. 3.3 Homeroom Advisers may seek for assistance from the Guidance Unit, GAD Focal Person, and resource person if necessary. pt Change Language Mudar o idioma. 3.2 Homeroom Advisers shall implement at least 2 relevant classroom-based activities from the Homeroom Guidance Program per month. 151, S. 2022 – Invitation from Vicente B. Malano, Administrator, Department of Science and Technology for Typhoon Flood Awareness Week In preparation for S.Y. Grade 1 Make Good Choices February 15,2021 Learning Objectives: 1.List down the people who can help make good choices. Bansil, Kevin P. HGP - Free download as Powerpoint Presentation (.ppt / .pptx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or view presentation slides online. Extends information to a great number of students even without individual contact 3. More details. The Homeroom Guidance Modules which can be downloaded from the DepEd Portal shall be used starting October 12, 2020. 2021-2022 Presented by: Dr. Melynda T. Andres Senior Education Program Specialist Professionalism Integrity Excellence Service Annexes 1- 5 Professionalism Integrity Excellence Service Annex 1: Homeroom Guidance Class Observation Tool Annex 2: Homeroom Guidance … MOST ESSENTIAL LEARNING COMPETENCIES (MELCs) Nakapagpapamalas ng kakayahang umangkop sa mga pagbabago sa komunidad (Show adaptive behavior to the new changes in the community) HGJPS-IVc-8 Nakikilahok sa mga adbokasiya … Grade: Junior High School (7-10) ( HOMEROOM GUIDANCE PROGRAM) Quarter Standard Competency Most Essential Learning Competency Time Allotment K to 12 CG Code. Guidance Counselor or Guidance Designate serves as the program manager and ensures the correct content and pedagogy’ of Homeroom Guidance in school. Specifically, the Guidance Counselor or Guidance Designate shall ensure the following: a. assist the School Head in the planning for the annual HG implementation and monitoring; These are special educators who volunteer their time to talk with career information seekers about the rewards and challenges of being a special education professional 9 Presence of Special Teachers to Help Students with Special Needs Figure 4 system-wide response to the challenge of Special Education would be delayed, but brought to … 162, s. 2022-participants to the regional workshop on the development of teaching-learning materials focused on the integration of reading literacy within and accross learning areas in key stage 3 Make an informed decision on the matter at hand 1. 3.4 Advisers shall provide a regular time for reflection to assess the Homeroom Guidance is a comprehensive, developmental and proactive program designed to equip K to 12 learners with life skills on three domains: Academic Development, Personal and Social Development, and Career Development.. 2. 3. ENGL 204. Our soaps cut grease & leave your kitchen feeling clean The scientific evidence is fairly muddy Ark No Transfers Its name was derived from the school ’s football team, the Gators FreePromoHub … English; español; português (selecionado(a)) 2021-2022, -20 periods/week + 40min per class. Download Policy: Content on this website is for educational purposes only. 325, S. 2022 – Online Workshops on the Validation of the Refined Homeroom Guidance Curriculum; OFFICE MEMO NO. Republic of the Philippines Department of Education REGION III – CENTRAL LUZON SCHOOLS DIVISION OFFICE - SCIENCE CITY OF MUÑOZ HOMEROOM GUIDANCE GRADE 11 Learning Activity Sheets (LAS) Module No. Homeroom Guidance Program CSDD Jona Kristen Valdez 0917-555-7510 jona.valdez@deped.gov.ph Comprehensive Guidance Career Program SCPD Tina Amor Buhat 0906-028-4012 tina.buhat@deped.gov.ph Madrasah/ALIVE SCPD Mildred Zamar 0917-798-8712 mildred.zamar@deped.gov.ph Contextualization CSDD Rowel Padernal 0919-616-5866 … Provides a solid layer of protection that keeps us and everyone around us safe. "The rich amber-brown of the Macallan M single-malt whisky—a special iteration of the Macallan contained in a hand-blown 750 mL Lalique crystal decanter—is noticeably deeper and darker than even the Scotch maker’s iconic 25-year-old whisky Description Keep in mind that these are just sample questions and there’s no universal list that will cover everything for everyone Welcome … Search: Special Education Pdf. Helps you recover from COVID-19 more quickly. However, its full implementation which includes the complete curriculum, policy, and learning materials will be made available at the start of the school year 2021-2022. Homeroom Guidance is a comprehensive, developmental, and proactive program designed to equip K to 12 learners with life skills on three domains: The COVID-19 vaccine is safe and effective for people ages 5+, woman who are pregnant or woman thinking about becoming pregnant. O Scribd é o maior site social de leitura e publicação do mundo. To share vital information that is very important for your school year. READ ADVISORY Search: Myp Design Units. Homeroom Guidance. 2021-2022, A common example is your favorite teacher or guidance … Do not use them for any other purpose. 41, s. 2022 – 12 day postgraduate early childhood education june 28, 2022. 2021-2022. HOMEROOM GUIDANCE PROGRAM ACTIVITIES - Read online for free. Developed new unit plans for MYP7, MYP 8 and MYP 9 Participated in constructing MYP7’s class website Students used the rest of class times to reflect on their own family traditions igcse,A lvl, Myp & Dp Design, Personal projects, Global Perspectives Aktivitas During 4 weeks of the unit study, Chinese high school kids worked on figure drawing during my art class MYP1; MYP2 - … Republic of the Philippines Department of Education REGION III – CENTRAL LUZON SCHOOLS DIVISION OFFICE - SCIENCE CITY OF MUÑOZ HOMEROOM GUIDANCE GRADE 11 Learning Activity Sheets (LAS) Module No. 2 ND QUARTER LEARNING COMPETENCIES IN HOMEROOM GUIDANCE GRADE 1 – GRADE 3 Quarter Standards Competencies Most Essential Learning Competency Time Allotment K to 12 CG Code 2 nd Quarter Analyze the relevance of experiences in school and community toward academic success Share the lessons learned from school and community that can be used in … DepEd Memorandum Order No 155 S 2020: Policy Guidelines on the Implementation of the Homeroom Guidance (HG) Program … To help you address problems with homework completion and submission. 2.Enumerate the steps in making good choices. -Working time: 7:40 AM - 4:30 PM from Monday to Friday. 1: Violations, ... Rick Riordan - Heroes of Olympus - Book 5 - The Blood of Olympus.pdf. PPT LM.pptx. Sign in to add files to this folder. Homeroom Guidance is a comprehensive, developmental and proactive program designed to equip K to 12 learners with life skills on three domains: Academic Development, Personal and Social Development, and Career Development.. 2. The Homeroom Guidance shall be scheduled once a week. It is recommended that the homeroom advisers should fully use the homeroom pe riod in the delivery of programs, the basic guidance services and the homeroom g uidance. 2. The Guidance Office in collaboration with the school administration should co nduct seminar-workshops on Homeroom Guidance Program to homeroom advisers. Download here the Fourth Quarter DepEd Homeroom Guidance Modules. --working as a native English and co-homeroom teacher. Division Webinar Orientation. on Homeroom Guidance (HG) Implementation Guidelines During Crisis Situation AUGUST 7, 2020 9:00 am to 12:00 nn (Morning Session) 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm (Afternoon Session) Opening Prayer Philippine National Anthem Himno ng Cavite. Abrir o menu de navegação. Republic of the Philippines Department of Education REGION III – CENTRAL LUZON SCHOOLS DIVISION OFFICE - SCIENCE CITY OF MUÑOZ HOMEROOM GUIDANCE GRADE 11 Learning Activity Sheets (LAS) Module No. A homeroom guidance program sample includes organizational skills to structure classes, extra-curricular activities and college prep workshops. by Mark Anthony Llego. This book written by Donald L. Peters and published by Unknown. View HOMEROOM GUIDANCE PROGRAM COMPILATION.docx from BSIT 2B at De La Salle University - Dasmariñas. Our soaps cut grease & leave your kitchen feeling clean The scientific evidence is fairly muddy Ark No Transfers Its name was derived from the school ’s football team, the Gators FreePromoHub … Personal and Social Development, and c. Career Development. CGP MODULE 3 FINAL.pdf. Vibe is the premier publication and cultural base for hip-hop/R&B music, fashion and entertainment news Use our custom stylish text generators to make your Instagram. Society does not exist independently without individual Implemented the IB Community Project, Robotics Club, and a Drone Racing Club Individuals and Societies (Economics, Geography and History) 4 The MYP is designed to: Teach a broad base of disciplines The MYP curriculum requires mastery of eight subjects: Language and Literature, Language … PDF | This study aims to understand the management of counseling guidance in dealing with student delinquency in MTs Negeri 1 Banjarmasin City. If a FANUC motor is used for an unintended purpose, it may cause an unexpected symptom or trouble. Search: Special Education Pdf. Division Webinar Orientation. 2 Name of Learner: _____Score: _____ Grade Level/Section: _____ Date: LIFE IN HARMONY WITH OTHERS Background Information for Learners There is a … View HOMEROOM GUIDANCE PROGRAM COMPILATION.docx from BSIT 2B at De La Salle University - Dasmariñas. DepEd - CAR Complex, Wangal La Trinidad, Benguet Fax: (074) - 422 - 4074 Tel: (074) - 422 - 1318 [email protected] Provides a solid layer of protection that keeps us and everyone around us safe. dm no. Pre-Nursery Homeroom Teacher. An Image/Link below is provided (as is) to download the pdf file. Nomenclature. Homeroom Guidance shall be reflected in the class program of every school, in the school forms as Homeroom Guidance. 2. Medium of Instruction. Job Description:School provides complete education for kinde Our soaps cut grease & leave your kitchen feeling clean The scientific evidence is fairly muddy Ark No Transfers Its name was derived from the school ’s football team, the Gators FreePromoHub has two major forms of discount for Gatorade Coupon Code: the coupon code and the deal The bottle has ridges along the sides and has (I think) the Owens-Illinois symbol (its tiny-looks like a … Personal and Social Development, and. Relative to the implementation of the Implementation of Homeroom Guidance Program for SY 2021- 2022, attached here is DepEd Memorandum OUCI-2021-346 from the Undersecretary of Curriculum and Instruction, re: Revised Implementation of Homeroom Guidance (HG) during Crisis Situation for S.Y. c. Career Development. 324, S. 2022 – Online Request to Access Individual Leave Card and Filing of Leave of Absence Through the use of Google Forms Significant Person/s – There are people in your life who may leave a great impact on the way you see yourself in the future. HOMEROOM GUIDANCE PROGRAM provides wholesome learning experiences in the classroom that will foster positive attitudes, behaviors and values and improve relationship between teachers and students.. B-65165E/02 SAFETY PRECAUTIONS 2.FANUC SERVO MOTOR series s - 7 2.2 CAUTION - FANUC motors are designed for use with machines. The Office of Curriculum and Instruction (CI), through the Bureau of Curriculum Development (BCD) issued DepEd Memorandum DM-OUCI-2021-144, re: Implementation of Homeroom Guidance (HG) during the Crisis Situation for SY 2020-2021 as basis of the revision of the policy guidelines previously issued. This document will use the following terms and their corresponding definition as spelled out below: 1. Guidance Modules, Observation Forms, and Program Monitoring Tools for Kindergarten, Elementary, Junior, and Senior High Schools this School Year 2020-2021. (DM-OUC1-2021-346 Homeroom Guidance (HG) during Crisis Situation for S. Y. Homeroom Guidance Program CSDD Jona Kristen Valdez 0917-555-7510 jona.valdez@deped.gov.ph Comprehensive Guidance Career Program SCPD Tina Amor Buhat 0906-028-4012 tina.buhat@deped.gov.ph Madrasah/ALIVE SCPD Mildred Zamar 0917-798-8712 mildred.zamar@deped.gov.ph Contextualization CSDD Rowel Padernal 0919-616-5866 … download (pdf, 179b) regional advisories. Homeroom Guidance is a comprehensive, developmental, and proactive program designed to equip K to 12 learners with life skills on three domains: a. Homeroom Guidance is a comprehensive, developmental, and proactive program designed to equip K to 12 learners with life skills on three domains: a. 5. HOMEROOM GUIDANCE Self-Learning Modules for GRADE 6. Of the... | … Monitoring Plan is properly implemented. Do not use them for any other purpose. 2021-2022. Teachers can team up with other educators, parents, health professionals, and school psychologists to find resources that meet the educational needs of all students. 2022-2023, the implementation of the Homeroom Guidance Program, Career Guidance Program, and Counseling and Referral System of Learners shall be in accordance with the implementation procedures issued in S.Y. 157, s. 2022-division orientation-workshop on the implementation of homeroom guidance program; dm no. The Office of Curriculum and Instruction (CI), through the Bureau of Curriculum Development (BCD) issued DepEd Memorandum DM-OUCI-2021-144, re: Implementation of Homeroom Guidance (HG) during the Crisis Situation for SY 2020-2021 as basis of the revision of the policy guidelines previously issued. Download the pdf file by clicking link found below the picture. 2022-2023, the implementation of the Homeroom Guidance Program, Career Guidance Program, and Counseling and Referral System of Learners shall be in accordance with the implementation procedures issued in S.Y. 1 st Quarter Understand the Identify the methods of. Here we have a large amount of excellent foreign teachers and Chinese teachers. To help you with planning for your future after Foothills Academy. CGP MODULE 3 FINAL Appendices.pdf. 1. Kindergarten Mathematics Module 5: Numbers 10─20; Count to 100 by Ones and Tens. dm no. This book written by Donald L. Peters and published by Unknown. Scribd is the world's largest social reading and publishing site. W4 Learning Area Homeroom Guidance Grade Level 10 Quarter Ikaapat Date I. Fechar sugestões Pesquisar Pesquisar. To provide a positive, friendly, and supportive atmosphere daily. Addeddate 2012-07-26 15:05:44 Bookplateleaf 0008 Call number 2264977 Camera Canon EOS 5D Mark II External-identifier urn:oclc:record:1041795364 Foldoutcount 2 Name of Learner: _____Score: _____ Grade Level/Section: _____ Date: LIFE IN HARMONY WITH OTHERS Background Information for Learners There is a … De La Salle University - Dasmariñas. Be sure to check the box that says "Limit to Documents with Excel Spreadsheets" Every STEM field benefits from understanding data—and so do The Information for Financial Aid Professionals (IFAP) website consolidates guidance, resources, and information related to the administration and processing of Title IV federal … Class Advisers shall be assigned to implement the program with the technical assistance of the Guidance Counselor. Search: Movie Collection Database In Excel. ra no. Download & View Homeroom Guidance as PDF for free. Benefit-9 – Worksheets for kids are widely used by parents in the form of monthly subscription based program,specially designed for nursery kids, LKG, HKG, 1st Grade and 2nd Grade levels Social studies is changing Welcome to Second Grade Reading Street Teacher Resources! OFFICE MEMO NO. 3 Name of Learner: _____Score: _____ Grade Level/Section: _____ Date: YOU RULE: RESPECT, UNDERSTAND AND LISTEN TO EVERYONE! Benefit-9 – Worksheets for kids are widely used by parents in the form of monthly subscription based program,specially designed for nursery kids, LKG, HKG, 1st Grade and 2nd Grade levels Social studies is changing Welcome to Second Grade Reading Street Teacher Resources! DepEd Revised Implementation of Homeroom Guidance for School Year 2021- 2022 Attached is DepEd Memorandum DM-OUCI-2021-346 from the Office of the Undersecretary for Curriculum and Instruction, dated August 25, 2021, announcing the Revised Implementation of Homeroom Guidance (HG) During Crisis Situation for School Year 2021-2022. -can start to work on August 2022. The COVID-19 vaccine is safe and effective for people ages 5+, woman who are pregnant or woman thinking about becoming pregnant. "The rich amber-brown of the Macallan M single-malt whisky—a special iteration of the Macallan contained in a hand-blown 750 mL Lalique crystal decanter—is noticeably deeper and darker than even the Scotch maker’s iconic 25-year-old whisky Description Keep in mind that these are just sample questions and there’s no universal list that will cover everything for everyone Welcome … c. Career Development. Academic Development, b. OFFICE MEMO NO. This will complement the Department of Education’s goal, which is to produce holistically developed Filipinos who are able to understand themselves, have … Unformatted text preview: ORIENTATION ON THE IMPLEMENTATION OF HOMEROOM GUIDANCE FOR S.Y. 4. 1: Violations, ... Rick Riordan - Heroes of Olympus - Book 5 - The Blood of Olympus.pdf. Job DescriptionEtonHouse is headquartered in Singapore with Vibe is the premier publication and cultural base for hip-hop/R&B music, fashion and entertainment news Use our custom stylish text generators to make your Instagram. 2. The homeroom guidance program in the University of Saint Anthony is primarily aimed to help and assist students in their needs while they were in their years of formal education. In preparation for S.Y. If you want to use a motor for an unintended purpose, previously consult with FANUC.. "/> It is a one-hour-period per week program devoted for guidance activities which will help students developed their personality and stimulate leadership awareness and career consciousness. Job DescriptionEtonHouse is headquartered in Singapore with Nomenclature – Homeroom Guidance shall be reflected in the class program of every school and other school documents such SF-9 (Form-138; Report Card) and SF-10 (Form-137; Permanent Student Record) as Homeroom Guidance. 705 Quarter Standards Competencies Most Essential Learning Competency Time Allotment K to 12 CG Code 4. Guidance Methods For Teachers In Homeroom Classroom Core Program by Walter James Greenleaf, Guide To Occupational Choice And Training Books available in PDF, EPUB, Kindle, Docs and Mobi Format. close menu Idioma. Download (PDF, 2.26MB) Recent Posts RA NO. Academic Development, b. 325, S. 2022 – Online Workshops on the Validation of the Refined Homeroom Guidance Curriculum; OFFICE MEMO NO. CGP MODULE 2 FINAL v2.pdf. If a FANUC motor is used for an unintended purpose, it may cause an unexpected symptom or trouble. Up to this point in Grade K, students have worked intensively within 10 and have often counted to 30 using the Rekenrek during fluency practice. Homeroom Guidance is a comprehensive, developmental, and proactive program designed to equip K to 12 learners with life skills on three domains: a. Time allotment for Homeroom Guidance is one (1) hour per week from Grade 1 to Grade 12 while for Kindergarten it will be included in their blocks of time 4. ENGL 204. Increases and updates the counselor’s own knowledge as a basis for guiding clients f 1. Download or read Homeroom guidance activities a handbook for a three year homeroom guidance activities program based on a program based on a program orginating in the public junior high schools of Billings Montana full HQ book in pdf, epub and kindle. Main menu. 324, S. 2022 – Online Request to Access Individual Leave Card and Filing of Leave of Absence Through the use of Google Forms Homeroom Guidance shall complement the Department’s goal, which is to produce holistically developed Filipinos who are able to understand themselves, have problem-solving skills, make informed decisions, achieve academic success, plan for their future, and respect individual differences. 5. 157, s. 2022-division orientation-workshop on the implementation of homeroom guidance program; dm no. 2022-2023, the implementation of the Homeroom Guidance Program, Career Guidance Program, and Counseling and Referral System of Learners shall be in accordance with the implementation procedures issued in S.Y. Thomas Huxley Guidance is not only for those who dream and for those who scream but also for th ose who fit in between. Guidance and counselling programmes in schools are geared towards promotion of the development of students. Inclusion is a burgeoning issue in our educational system Earlier, Kauffman (2002) argued that special education must be Concurrent with this development was the identification of two concepts of individual differences: (1) " interindividual differences," which compares one child with another, and (2) " intraindividual differences," … Job Description:School provides complete education for kinde 2021-2022. If you want to use a motor for an unintended purpose, previously consult with FANUC.. "/> CONTACT INFORMATION. Supervision of Homeroom Guidance Implementation l. A clear Monitoring Plan (Guidance Counselor/Designate and School Head) before the start of the program is evident. To share meaningful conversations about school and things out of school. Words: 4,254; Pages: 9; Preview; Full text; Surely there is a time to submit to guidance and a time to take one's own way at all hazards. 2021-2022, QUARTER 3: MODULE 6-7 Quarter 3 – Module 6: Let’s Try This Activity No. Provides a wide variety of information that counselors alone cannot give 2. B-65165E/02 SAFETY PRECAUTIONS 2.FANUC SERVO MOTOR series s - 7 2.2 CAUTION - FANUC motors are designed for use with machines. Download or read Homeroom guidance activities a handbook for a three year homeroom guidance activities program based on a program based on a program orginating in the public junior high schools of Billings Montana full HQ book in pdf, epub and kindle. 1. PDF | This study aims to understand the management of counseling guidance in dealing with student delinquency in MTs Negeri 1 Banjarmasin City. 162, s. 2022-participants to the regional workshop on the development of teaching-learning materials focused on the integration of reading literacy within and accross learning areas in key stage 3 Monitoring results are discussed with the concerned personnel so as to encourage actions needed to improve the program delivery. Found in: S TH - 2 hours ago A. Mueang, Thailand Bright Seeds International Kindergarten Full time Homeroom Guidance Grade 8 Fourth Quarter. QUARTER 3: MODULE 6-7 Quarter 3 – Module 6: Let’s Try This Activity No. This pdf file is from Deped learning resource portal and can be downloaded there. Therefore, Guidance and Counselling became an integral part of educational system in Kenya and was further emphasized after the ban of caning in 2001. No files in this folder. Diosdado M. San Antonio, Undersecretary for Curriculum and Instruction, through an advisory dated November 18, clarified that the Homeroom Guidance letter grade shall no longer be reflected in the said documents, but the Learner's Development Assessment Form shall be an attachment to the SF-9 [Report Card) and SF-10 (Form 137). Title: C:Documents and SettingsMPPDMy DocumentsDFPAR IN ENT.tif Author: MPPD Created Date: 5/28/2013 6:10:37 PM Academic Development, b. Attached is Homeroom Guidance Class Observation Tool (Annex I) of DepEd Memorandum DM-OUCI-2021-346 from the Office of the Undersecretary for Curriculum and Instruction, dated August 25, 2021, announcing the Revised Implementation of Homeroom Guidance (HG) During Crisis Situation for School Year 2021-2022. De La Salle University - Dasmariñas. 42, s. 2022 – preparations for sy 2022-2023 implementation of homeroom guidance program, career guidance program and counseling and referral system of learners june 30, 2022. ra no. HOMEROOM GUIDANCE PROGRAM provides wholesome learning experiences in the classroom that will foster positive attitudes, behaviors and values …
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