Ironically enough, you need 500 shotgun kills to get this card, but it's well worth the effort and a fantastic start to any shotgun build. Back 4 Blood Forums A community forum for Turtle Rock Studios' Back 4 Blood Create a Free Account. At the beginning of each map, the game spawns the Cleaners various cards. You are at the center of a war against the Ridden. Battle Lust . Back 4 Blood takes Left 4 Dead's mechanics and piles a tower of cards on top with its deck system. This includes using the best Back 4 Blood cards and best Back 4 . You are at the center of a war against the Ridden. 214. Best melee build. Phoenix 350L- Bolt action like the Barret, but lower damage and hence a shorter load time as well than the Barret. His team effects include increased weakspot damage (by up to 10%). These once-human hosts of a deadly parasite have turned into terrifying creatures bent on devouring what remains of civilization. Ammo for All: + 10% Team Ammo Capacity. You play a new card — or . Back 4 Blood includes a variety of accessories. Players must defeat an Ogre during the first stage, an Ogre and Breaker on the second and two Breakers during Grave Danger. EMT Bag - 50% healing increase. The best Back 4 Blood builds utilise the deck system, which means that there are plenty of mechanics involved when it comes to finding the perfect combination. While it isn't outright stated, Back 4 Blood puts an extreme amount of importance on teamwork. Broadside - Precision kills have a 20% chance to cause Ridden to explode, dealing 15 damage to other nearby enemies. The Crow's Nest: Unlock the first two cards. As an added bonus, highlighted enemies also take 10% more damage. If you picked up the annual pass, Expansion 1 - Tunnels of Terror, as well as two more . Shotguns are too good a weapon not to include in anyone's apocalypse survival kit. Share the Wealth: Each teammate will gain 100 bonus Copper at the start of each level. Every single build in the game . Related: Does Back 4 Blood Support Crossplay? The damage bonus is nice, allowing you to add more kick to every shot, but the . What this means is actually pretty simple, though it might not be obvious. I will also throw in some recommendations and tips here and there, because I'm nice like that. 1. r/Back4Blood. Reckless Strategy +30% weak spot damage; -5% damage resistance . Accessories can be purchased from a vendor or found throughout the levels and Ridden Hives. Team: Health. Face your Fears - 1 temp health for close kills. Build your deck, play all 15 cards at the start of a Campaign, and enjoy a unique experience from the beginning. Back 4 Blood is a complex game, but once you know the best builds, you'll be on your way to conquering Nightmare mode. Killer's Instinct: 30% Weakspot Damage, Disables: Aim Down Sights. Reckless Strategy - +30% weak spot damage; -5% damage resistance. There are three difficulty levels, and Veteran is the middle of the pack, but that doesn't exactly . Date Posted: Dec 19, 2021 @ 1:57pm. Along with passive skills and a variety of skins for each Clea The card system in Back 4 Blood is an intricate feature in the game. Pairing that with attachments that compensate for its weaknesses, and this is just a real nasty gun. You will notice that the deck has a total of fifteen slots. To beat a Crusher you need to shoot at its weak spot which is on its face. Jim shouldn't be jumping into the fray of things, but can instead deal a lot of damage from a distance: In this mode, the Ridden hordes have more health and do more damage, you and . Walker has the following perks available by default if he's chosen in your Back 4 Blood missions: Military Training - Precision kills increase Walker's accuracy by 20% for five seconds . Numb. It's fast, fluid and amazing at quick tapping ridden and clearing places out. Build is Extremely Important. Berserker: Gain 10% Melee Damage, 10% Melee Speed, and 5% Move Speed for each Melee kill in the last 4 seconds; Vanguard: Melee kills give you and nearby teammate an additional 1 health; Best Jim Build: Stay Back and Don't Get Hit. Marked for Death. The real heroes are the players who stay out of the fray and choose to heal teammates instead. This card allows you to hold 30 percent more shells and deal 10 percent more damage with any shotgun. Recommended Characters. Plus, players receive a 35% damage resistance to all . These changes also stick for the rest of the run. In other words, for that situation (happens very often), you are now at 50% Damage Resistance with healing & temp . Cross Trainers: +20% Stamina, +20% Stamina Regen, +3% Move Speed, +5 Health. Jim is a great character for precision kills. + 3. (Image credit: Warner Bros.) Combat Knife (Turns your bash into a Knife that counts as a melee weapon) Mean Drunk (+75% melee damage. Battle Lust - 1hp and 0.1 trauma per melee kill. When you start a new level in a safe house, Back 4 Blood will prompt you to play a card from your deck (the first card automatically gets played after you load in). Back 4 Blood, Left 4 Dead series spiritual successor from Turtle Rock Studios, offers an interesting twist on the horde shooter gameplay. Tunnel Vision: +50% Aim Speed, -5% Damage Resistance. [June 7, 2022] Update. Introduction. Using melee on a horde of zombies will push them back, stunning them and opening a window for you or your team to finish them off with a barrage of bullets from the best Back 4 Blood weapons.Not to mention, using melee conserves ammo, a resource . They have good health, good damage, and great utility. If you ping an enemy using this mechanic, this is essentially marking this enemy for death. Back 4 Blood is a thrilling cooperative first-person shooter from the creators of the critically acclaimed Left 4 Dead franchise. Reload Drills: +30% Reload Speed. The final set of missions in act two, Job 10:22, are rather unusual in Back 4 Blood. Berserker - This card adds 10% melee damage . This community is an unofficial, but developer supported subreddit. Unlike Left 4 Dead, Back 4 Blood doesn't regularly spawn hordes of common zombies as an anti-stalling tactic, so you can afford to take it slow.Almost every horde is triggered manually via Snitchers, birds, car alarms, and scripted events. Run Like Hell - 12% movespeed, 15% sprint speed, lost on damage. Learning about them will put you in . Effect: Makes you faster and gives you more health and stamina. Back 4 Blood: Best Melee Build. BEST ASSAULT RIFLE BUILD - GLASS CANNON BACK 4 BLOOD BUILD - THIS BUILD WILL MAKE YOU GODLY STRONG AND DPS MONSTER - BEST DAMAGE CARDS - BEST CARD PACK - DAM. Reload Drills Offense card: +20% Reload Speed. Cross Trainers. This allows players to make use of the ping system made famous by Apex Legends, offering a boost for using it tactically. Of course, all of this should be obvious from the title, but I'm a . When you throw an Offensive Accessory, gain 20 Temporary Health and 20% Move Speed for 10 seconds. The Belgian is a Sidearm featured in Back 4 Blood.This weapon is used by Christine Tuttle as her default secondary weapon. Welcome to this guide on the various weapons options available in Back 4 Blood. May 20, 2022 May 24, 2022 - by Victor. Motorcycle Helmet: 15% Damage Resistance, 10 Health, Disables: Aim Down Sights. The video below will help you with veteran difficulty as well. LMG: RPK - we're going with the RPK over the M249 because while the M249's rate of fire is a lot higher, the RPK simply outclasses it in terms of accuracy and damage. When you kill a Mutation, you lose 5 Copper. First, Holly's 10% damage resistance means she's the . . Your melee attacks cleave . Back 4 Blood is unique from other imitators because the developer, Turtle Rock, is actually made up of the team that originally created Left 4 Dead all those years ago. They have good health, good damage, and great utility. (Image credit: Activision) It should go without saying but always stay together if you want to succeed in Back 4 Blood. For skilled Back 4 Blood players looking for a challenge, Nightmare difficulty is the ultimate test of your abilities. Melee is an underrated tool of Back 4 Blood.The melee ability can turn an overwhelming situation completely around. This card grants players a 100% damage boost with all explosive weapons. All of The Cleaners are brought to life by a talented voice cast and each character is different but they come together to make a team that stands a fighting chance at survival in Back 4 Blood. The Cross Trainers are probably one . I've been on the lookout to find the best tips for B4B along with the best damage & deck builds. . Have Set Roles If . Back 4 Blood is a thrilling cooperative first-person shooter from the creators of the critically acclaimed Left 4 Dead franchise. Each time you have temp health, you double your Padded Suit Damage Resistance. Adrenaline Fueled Makes Everything . Ridden Slayer: +20% Weakspot Damage. 1. Best Possible Back 4 Blood Melee Build Stats: Cards and more. For this reason my team implemented more grenade damage cards and didn't put as much emphasis on speed. With humanity's extinction on the line, it's up to you and your friends to take . Back 4 Blood is a co-op game, and you'll have three other players with you, no matter what Even if you're playing solo, you'll have AI teammates. This Back 4 Blood card deck grants you a ton of mobility, utility, and healing . Back 4 Blood, a spiritual successor to the Left 4 Dead series from Turtle Rock Studios, offers an interesting twist on the horde shooting game. If the best card in Back 4 Blood is the one that everyone can use in every situation, then Second Chance has to be the best card in the game. There's power in . Fit as a Fiddle - 20% bolstered health, 10 health. Some are fairly benign, offering rewards for completing optional objectives. However, they won't float everyone's boat. Best Back 4 Blood melee cards. This is the best support deck build for Back 4 Blood. Dedicated Melee is currently the most powerful build in the game once you get the cards, using something like Face your Fears, Battle Lust, and Adrenaline Fueled and Vanguard makes you basically unkillable, as you'll be healing more then the zombie can do in damage in any mode but nightmare, and even then with Poultice you can easily counter that gap Like the OG Left 4 Dead series, if . Back 4 Blood Tips: Mash Melee. Berserker: Gain 10% melee damage, 10% melee speed, . Bomb Squad is an offensive card within the B4B series. The Full Deck Draw feature has been rolled out to all difficulties. There are lots of guns to choose from, so take a look at our list of the best weapons in Back 4 Blood if you need a little help narrowing down the selection. After you amass some cards, you will want to build your deck. At higher quality levels, certain Support and Quick accessories have a percent chance to have a 'free' use, also known as a reuse chance . Silver Bullets: + 15% Damage Dealt, + 150% . Back 4 Blood weapon tier list. Without being able to use . Good filler card for tanky builds. This guide will cover weapons analysis, attachments and damage-specific cards. This build allows tanks to both deal damage, and take plenty of it, without falling too quickly. Ridden Slayer: +20% Weakspot Damage. Back 4 Blood has similar gameplay to Left 4 Dead, where a group of players takes on a horde of zombies, using a slew of main and sidearm weapons.This guide will provide you with a tier list of the best weapons in Back 4 Blood open beta.. Back 4 Blood S-Tier Weapons Phoenix 350L. The ones listed below are some of the best to work into a sniper build. Having the right cards for the job is a necessity in Back 4 Blood. The Story. If you . Back 4 Blood builds vary based on the cards you have and who you're playing, but once you get more cards unlocked and get a grasp of the game, it . Well, Doc can keep everyone in good condition whilst dealing a fair bit of damage to the undead, making her one of the best characters in Back 4 Blood. Next-gen co-op FPS from the creators of Left4Dead, Turtle Rock Studios. Back 4 Blood is a 2021 first-person shooter game developed by Turtle Rock Studios and published by Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment.It was released on October 12, 2021, for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.. Find this . Hunker Down. Effect: Carry two primary weapons. Jim. Almost to the point where matchmaking is going to end with a bad time. Will be able to hopefull. With humanity's extinction on the line, it's up to you and your friends to take . At the same time, it amplifies melee weapon damage to ensure that the tank is able to finish off . As opposed to leaning into damage resistance, this build focuses on damage mitigation via self-healing. That's no different in the uniquely hellish world put forth in Turtle Rock Studios' Back 4 Blood. Back 4 Blood is a challenging game, even if you're playing on the "normal" difficulty. 357 Magnum- Double-action Revolver with high power. Back4Blood was released on October 12, 2021. M1A- Semi-automatic rifle with high damage.Low rate of fire with high recoil; Barret M95- Bolt action with a long load time, and one of the most damage dealing weapon in Back4Blood. 11 Shell Carrier. Altogether, the card makes taking out some of Back 4 Blood's biggest threats as easy as downing any regular enemy. Back 4 Blood limits the weapons you can carry to one primary gun (rifle, shotgun, sniper, etc.) mean drunk almost guarantees head hits with axe/hatchet due to the increased damage area (combined with the downward chopping being head-first) . When you do this, you and your team will receive a 10% damage . Back 4 Blood . and one sidearm (pistol, SMG, sawed-off shotgun, etc.) Best Back 4 Blood Walker build. Sadistic: Gain 5% Weakspot Damage for each precision kill in the last 10 seconds. Sidearms. . Accessories can be broken up into three categories called "offensive", "defensive" (support), and "utility" (quick). Developer Note - This free content update brings you several new features that improve the overall gameplay experience, and introduces all new Legendary Items!. Holly or Evangelo. Miraculous Recovery. When you deal melee damage to a Mutation, gain 1 temporary health and recover 3 stamina. Although numerous cards boost melee damage, the six listed below are essential for becoming a powerhouse with a bat. Back 4 Blood > Back 4 Blood - General Discussions > Topic Details. Related: How Back 4 Blood's Card System Improves Left 4 Dead's AI Director. Its high spread allows you to pepper crowds easily It fires one centered shot at high damage. Fast Mags are an instant increase in effectiveness with The Belgian as it only has one . In Turtle Rock Studios' Back 4 Blood, it is more than just being good at shooting guns and avoiding the grasp of the Ridden.You also have to contend with the game's card and deckbuilding systems. . Once you talk to him, you will see a menu with your decks on the left and cards on the right. In Back 4 Blood, you and three other survivors will take on endless hordes of mutated humans in a desperate fight for survival as the remains of the human race rally their few remaining . This card tier list for Back 4 Blood focuses on the PvP more but also includes campaign cards for all deck builds. Fire in the Hole! These once-human hosts of a deadly parasite have turned into terrifying creatures bent on devouring what remains of civilization. These empower them in some way, allowing you to build some powerful characters with the right combos. He grants himself increased damage (2.5%) when he makes precision kills and also has increased aim down sights speed (25%). Perks: Precision kills increase accuracy. Back 4 Blood will continue to get a lot of support in 2022, especially when it comes to paid content. You'll find yourself a sitting duck while you reload all your shells if you're not careful. Face Your Fears. Cards. Jim. Fires both shells per shot -Description. Second Chance. Stick with your friends. Together with your chosen Cleaners, the proper deck can make a world of difference, and if you need help, our best cards for Back 4 Blood deckbuilding guide will set you on the right path. Removing trauma damage is a good thing with the right support player to help you in the long run. To do so, go to the deckbuilding NPC at Fort Hope. Walker is a stone-cold murder machine with the right perks under his belt. Double barrel shotgun with extremely high damage. And while they each come with different damage, attacks, and range, they all get the same . 6. Also, a wall-clinging Sleeper may pounce you around any corner you don't carefully check. 4. Assault Rifle: M16 - The M16 does have less . Use the following cards in your Doc build: Rousing Speech; Combat . Well Rested - 20% overheal, 5% heal eff. Damage. 68.6k. Levels usually have a handful of . Both Holly and Evangelo have buffs that lean more towards a melee build. In this mode, all cards are available to use from the get-go, so players can get to work testing new card synergies. At the end of each level, you get to pick one card from a hand of five. (Image credit: Turtle Rock) Back 4 Blood melee build: Holly/Evangelo . Back 4 Blood has a dedicated PvP mode that also utilizes the card system. Hydration Pack: + 25 Health, - 20% Ammo Capacity. Bounty Hunter: Kill a Mutation and you will gain 10 Copper. Let me know if this guide helps you at a . He grants himself increased damage (2.5%) when he makes precision kills and also has increased aim down sights speed (25%). Secondary Weapons. Look for the pink squishy bit, that is the weak spot. Click the create a new deck button and name the deck whatever you want. Melee build isn't really good for anything other than Recruit difficulty anymore. . 3. Below, we aim to streamline everything you need to know about the Back 4 Blood Best Cards build yourself the perfect deck. Best Walker build in Back 4 Blood.
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