? What an exciting time on the Standard Hearthstone ranked ladder: with new cards introducing new archetypes almost by the day, the Tempo Storm Standard Meta Snapshot team is here to bring you the latest in the best competitive decks. Hearthstone Youth's Charge Warrior Deck build 2022. Therefore, this is the best Mech card in Hearthstone's history. We are looking for Hearthstone content writers to write for Hearthcard.io! As a matter of fact, these Hearthstone Duels Decks have all achieved 12 wins. Find popular Hearthstone decks for every class, card and game mode. This is a 10-mana minion with 8/8 attack and health values that costs one less for each minion (on both sides of the board) that's in play. Beast Hunter. Jaina's new top tier archetype . 19:14 Nydra. The tiers are based on win rate data gathered through the Hearthstone deck tracker offered by HSReplay, as well as. 22 days ago d0nkey.top and twitter (ahirunHS and high legend players accounts) is the best way to find the most updated meta decks. If you're looking for decks or a deck list on a site that doesn't bombard you with prompts to remove your adblocker and want to browse for the content you need, I've comprised a small list of sites that I now use to find the most up to date Hearthstone meta decks for standard. 288 0 4 months ago by Genesis. gucustom.cards - You can create your own custom Gods Unchained card art using this tool. This is a fun type of Druid archetype that seeks to ramp up in mana quickly, and summon big minions as soon as possible. Download Innkeeper Filter by Class Demon Hunter Druid Hunter Mage Paladin Priest Rogue Shaman Warlock Warrior clear all Recommended videos Powered by AnyClip . Hearthstone Control Warrior Deck build 2022. This Zoo Warlock deck is the . Cards used in this deck: # 1x (1) Arcane Breath # 1x (1) Ray of Frost # 1x (2) Astromancer Solarian # 1x (2) Doomsayer # 1x (2) Khadgar # 1x (2) Zephrys the Great # 1x (3) Arcane Intellect # 1x (3) Frost Nova # 1x (3) Ice Barrier # 1x (3) Overconfident Orc # 1x (4) Bone Wraith # 1x (4) Conjurer's Calling # 1x (4) Escaped Manasaber Hearthstone's latest expansion Kobolds and Catacombs brought an excellent single player dungeon run mode, and a host of new cards for Ranked and Casual play. Hearthstone Standard Meta Snapshot: A Moist Meta. Postet eure Klasse und euren Rang dazu (falls ihr Ranked spielt) ! Available now on PC, Mac, iPad, and iOS and Android mobile phones. Make sure to check out both of those for even more useful decklists! 1 Reply Subscribe to the world's #1 PC gaming mag; Try a single issue or save on a subscription; Issues delivered straight to your door or device . HearthCard Soft Launch! Hearthstonetopdecks.com traffic volume is 28,781 unique daily visitors and their 103,611 pageviews. We are going to end our Hearthstone top decks list with one of the most fun decks in the game, at least in our opinion, which is the Ping Mage. It offers far fewer in-game . Budget Aggro Deck: Zoo Warlock. Removed 2x Cutlass Courier, 2x Amalgam of the Deep, 2x Tuskarrrr Trawler, 2x Pufferfist, 2x Buccaneer, 2x Swordfish, 1x Pirate Admiral Hooktusk for 1x Mastra of the Masquerade, 2x Reconnaissance, 2x Tooth of Nefarian, 1x Vanessa VanCleef, 2x Shadowstep, 2x Shroud of Concealment, 2x Wildpaw Gnoll, 1x . Naga Ramp Druid Deck 18 spells, 11 minions, 1 hero card meta standard full-guide spell. Aggro-Control or Mid-Range? This is the most expensive of all our top 10 Hearthstone best decks and it cost is 12480 dust. The Mage-class hero Jaina Proudmoore is the Harry Potter of Hearthstone! Weapon-based decks Everyone who logs into Hearthstone gets a free Legendary weapon, and Hearthpwn made a decklist based on each one. Dust Needed: ? Furthermore, if you want to find more decks, check Hearthstone Decks Twitter and website. Also featuring guides and decks from Don't Kick My Robot (Hearthstone Team), regarding climbing ranks towards Legend and budget guides. Zoo Warlock. Ping Mage. Hearthstone deck guide: Tempo Mage in Gadgetzan Standard Hearthstone 06/02/2017, 16:30 Nydra. Murloc Shaman Legendaries (2): Frizz Kindleroost, Alexstrasza. For Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft on the PC, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Best site for deck ideas?". Dust Total: 9360. Essentially, Secrets are ambush spells which activate when certain conditions are met, and Zephrys' 'wish for a perfect card' can give you exactly what you need. Now the expansion is fully underway, here's the best Boomsday Project Meta and Experimental decks: 1. Legendaries (2): Frizz Kindleroost, Alexstrasza. 8. What I really like about Hearthpwn, beyond the strong pun and its the sheer depth here, is that it's provided a platform for innovative deck brewers to make a name for themselves. Please add any descriptions to the listed cards, and feel free to add more as long as they fit the rules. Warlocks typically hurt themselves in exchange for powerful rewards - their hero . All Hearthstone decks below are automatically updated by our Innkeeper app and ready for you to take to the ladder. 10,920. In the game of Hearthstone, all cards strive for one goal - constructed viability. The best Marvel Snap Decks shared by official Data Scientist Marvel Snap | A speedy digital card game from former Hearthstone developers Classic Decks Control Paladin #388 Legend - MoroAlex95 (Score: 15-7) June 29, 2022 Control Priest #1 Legend - Hoskond June 23, 2022 Aggro Shaman #1 Legend - Hoskond June 21, 2022 By Alexa's traffic estimates hearthstonetopdecks.com placed at 821 position over the world, while the . Live Data Full speed. cardsunchained.com - A constantly evolving table to view which cards are trending in winning decks over a given time period. Sea Giant. Aggro Demon . Therefore, Mage decks typically rely on spells a bit more than most other hero classes. This free deck from Hearthstone streamer Trump packs in plenty of the usual neutral suspects, while leaving plenty of room for some powerful class cards. Hearthstone More Deck Slots - Online casinos offer a variety of different games, ranging from video slots and video poker to popular card and table games like roulette, blackjack, craps, and others. If you're looking for some decks to try out, I got the best deals anywhere. 2022: Boat Rogue Deck Deck has been updated for the Throne of the Tides miniset. This week's top Hearthstone decks are highlighted by a variety of entries from our Midweek Meta Review and the 2016 Hearthstone Championship Tour (HCT) Winter Preliminaries. Keep track of the cards you and your opponent play with an in-game overlay. Deck building tool for Hearthstone. The fresh Heartstone Mercenaries format differs quite a bit from the classic game mode, with an emphasis on individual cards over meticulously crafted decks. Hearthstone Players manually curate all the decklists - picking them from Legend Rank streamers and players. x2 1 Irondeep Trogg x2 4 Azsharan Saber x1 1 Peasant x2 2 Doggie Biscuit x2 3 Ramming Mount x2 4 Stormpike Battle Ram x2 4 Blademaster Okani x1 4 Ambassador Faelin x1 5 The Rat King x1 9 Wing Commander Ichman x1 3 Revive Pet x2 5 Pet Collector x2 7 Hydralodon x1 3 Harpoon Gun x2 0 Devouring Swarm x2 5 Barak Kodobane x1 Murloc Shaman #63687 Each visitor makes around 3.85 page views on average. Play like a pro! Live now! Compare winrates and find the deck for you! Site News. AQ Ram Rider. This one of the best Clash Royale decks contained the archer queen. Deck Type: Ranked Deck. The deck is all about controlling the board with value trades through cheaply buffed units and getting Honorable Kills with the Bloodseeker. Big Beast Hunter Deck Lists 0 Devouring Swarm 1 1 Tracking 2 1 Vicious Slitherspear 2 2 Doggie Biscuit 2 2 Murkwater Scribe 2 2 Selective Breeder 2 3 Harpoon Gun 2 3 Naga's Pride 2 3 Ramming Mount 2 3 Revive Pet 2 4 Ambassador Faelin 1 4 Azsharan Saber 1 4 Blademaster Okani 1 5 Barak Kodobane 1 5 Pet Collector 2 6 Beaststalker Tavish 1 Choose your rank and get the best decks to level up with. Instead, the list uses Arcane Anomaly, Bloodmage Thalnos, Wandmaker, and the Bloodseeker. Best Standard Decks; Deck Matchup; Find Decks . Liste de decks ayant fait des résultats en tournoi. Hearthstone Deck Tracker Chroma Experience by @ronigrr: Hearthstone Deck Tracker Chroma Experience is a plugin you can add to your Hearthstone Deck Tracker and it gives you a visual game experience on your chroma keyboard (maybe other chroma devices in the future). Hearthstone Deck Tracker. Find your deck. Prestor Druid. What I really like about Hearthpwn, beyond the strong pun and its the sheer depth here, is that it's provided a platform for innovative deck brewers to make a name for themselves. . Even though they . What I really like about Hearthpwn, beyond the strong pun and its the sheer. The best basic Rogue deck. You may request that your data not be shared with third parties here: . The deck is also great at making big Twilight Drakes and using the hero power to reduce its own life total, activating Hooked Reaver as a 7/7 with taunt for 4 mana. Apr 14 2022. We bring you the latest Hearthstone editorial & data coverage, match schedules, and world rankings. Crafting cost: 5,240 Dust. 28 Spells. Zeigt eure Decks / Show your decks 05/21/2014 - Hearthstone - 2 Replies Ich dachte mal ich mach einen Thread auf indem wir uns mal austauschen über unsere Hearthstone Decks. This is a deck-class that boasts some of the best spells in the game. This deck absolutely steamrolls control players thanks to the power of the new Lord Jaraxxus and this build's ability to discard most of your opponent's deck. janvier (6) 2013 (13) décembre (7) novembre (6) Sites Hearthstone. The Demon Seed has established itself as one of the best quests Hearthstone has ever seen. Hearthstone Database, Deck Builder, News, and more! Apr 14 2022. Warrior Duels Deck Become a Duels godgamer. Hearthstone Judgement's Charge Warrior Deck build 2022. hearthcard.io has now soft launched! Blizzard - HearthStone; MLG - HearthStone; ESL EU - HearthStone; Managrind; IHearthU; JeuxOnline - HearthStone Forum . Highlander Hunter. 2 x Fury (Rank 1) 2 x Illidari Studies 2 x Chaos Strike 2 x Felfire Deadeye 2 x Manafeeder Panthara 2 x Wandmaker 2 x Aldrachi Warblades 2 x Eye Beam 2 x Relentless Pursuit 1 x Mankirk 1 x Kazakus Golemshaper 2 x Warglaives of Azzinoth 2 x Bladed Lady 2 x Skull of Gul'dan 2 x Illidari Inquisitor 9. . Our Guides Writer (and Hearthstone nut), Emma, is currently working away on an article listing the best Hearthstone decks in the game, but we want to see what your favourites are. With this launch we hope to get things off the ground but we are still actively improving the site! Toggle navigation Hearthstone Meta Stats. Real-Time Hearthstone Stats and Meta Reports Generated using actual hearthstone games. Dive into the Sunken City with us! Tempo, Secret, and Highlander are some of the more prevalent Mage deck types. Warlocks typically hurt themselves in exchange for powerful rewards - their hero . Hearthstone Top Decks - The Best Hearthstone Decks in the Meta! Malygos Druid - Malygos Druid deck list guide (Boomsday) 2. Here are our recommendations for the best decks in Hearthstone at this time. This is a fun type of Druid archetype that seeks to ramp up in mana quickly, and summon big minions as soon as possible. We use cookies and other data collection technologies to provide the best experience for our customers. Work in Progress! Download. Looking for the top Hearthstone decks being played by fellow players? Hearthstone Questline Pirate Warrior Deck build 2022. Posted In Runeterra General 12 hours ago; That's So Random - Card Design Competition Discussion Thread Posted In Custom Hearthstone 17 hours ago; Make an article about the new skins, card backs and achievements every time there's a new patch Posted In Site Feedback & Ideas 20 hours ago Blizzard recently released Hearthstone's brand-new game mode Mercenaries. Crafting Cost: 13720. Last Checked: 06/29/2022. All esports . Best Clash Royale Decks 2021. While that card had a recent nerf, with these choices of support it can still work really well. Build new decks from scratch or import existing deck codes, customize them to your heart's delight, then share your decks or copy the code into the game and start playing! Breath of Dreams and Overgrowth are key cards to keep in your mulligan, and playing them is your top priority. Extract maximum value out of your cards by recognizing synergies before bringing your deck into the Arena! Sea Giant is one of the best neutral cards in Hearthstone's history for zoo and aggro decks at least. We and our partners store and/or access information on a device, such as cookies and process personal data, such as unique identifiers and standard information sent by a device for personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, and audience insights, as well as to develop and improve products.With your permission we and our partners may use . One of the best Hearthstone decks, it is the premier choice since the Forged in the Barrens cards came along. Top-decks, le retour ! A few of the best ones will feature in the final article, so here's what we want to know: What you think is the best Hearthstone deck and why (plus the deck code . Deceptively simple and insanely fun, Hearthstone is a fast-paced strategy card game from Blizzard Entertainment. It has been quite a while since Shaman could be considered one of the top hearthstone decks. Home Cards Ability Minion Weapon Hero Hero Power Location Core Set Classic What are the best combos in my deck? Dredge allows you to look at the bottom three cards of your deck and then place one on top. Hearthpwn Probably the most popular of the net deck sites, and therefore one of the most capable of influencing the meta. The deck uses a wide array of Epic and Legendary cards to . Hearthstone Beast Druid Wild S96 Deck build 2022. Download. Blog sur Hearthstone, le jeu de carte à collectionner de Blizzard. Crafting cost: 5,240 Dust. Github/Readme; Download; Boonwins Battlegrounds Tracker by @b00nwin Backstab and . 11 Minions. . To sum up, you now have a deck option for every class. Our Meta Review even has guides complete with general strategy, mulligans, and tech options. Midrange Demon Hunter. Featured Decks - Standard Questline Rogue - Early #1 Legend (McBanterFace) - Onyxia's Lair Questline Hunter - Early #11 Legend (BongDaCity) - Onyxia's Lair OwlTK Warlock - #30 Legend (Otsuna) - Onyxia's Lair Buff Paladin - Early #114 Legend (Noodleswoop) - Onyxia's Lair Hearthstone Tracker is the third popular option for deck tracking software, but somewhat pales in comparison to the two options listed above. Even aggressive players struggle . Hearthstone assets used on this site are copyrighted and/or trademarked material of Blizzard Entertainment, Inc. Secret Libram Paladin Secret Libram Paladin is a standout option right now, when many players and pundits regard it as "broken". In classic shaman fashion, this deck seeks to win by evolving your units or simply freezing out your opponent and hitting the . Paladin still reigns supreme, but you'll be surprised by some of the decks that have risen to fill the void Deck of Lunacy left behind. 13 Jun. Ich fange dann mal an Könnt auch gerne Decks bewerten oder Verbesserungsvorschläge einreichen. Our sister site Hearthstone Top Decks has prepared a ton of in-depth Mercenaries guides, including information about all playable Heroes, Village Upgrades, the new Coins currency system, and more! The recent meta shake-up has lead to a considerable amount of tier readjustment. Find the best deck for your rank and region. Highlander Hunter is one of the best Hearthstone decks because of its smart use of the Secret ability and Zephrys the Great. Best Deck Lists to Climb Standard Ladder (By Rank) for July 2022. The web value rate of hearthstonetopdecks.com is 1,363,801 USD. Best Deck Lists to Climb Standard Ladder - Voyage to the Sunken City - Platinum - Legend (July 2022) - Hearthstone Meta Stats This deck, like the name suggests, is all about using the hero power in order to control the board thanks to cards like Wildfire, Reckless Apprentice, and of course, Mordresh Fire Eye. Video deck guide: C'Thun Warrior Hearthstone 18/11 . While many cards are memorable for how far short they fall, many . On the one hand, the site is an . Hearthstone Mercenaries is a popular spin-off of Blizzard's card game, with new and old characters returning for the hunt. Bringing you the best of #Hearthstone decks (Standard, Wild, Duels, Classic), articles, news, beginner guides & competitive content! Hearthpwn Probably the most popular of the net deck sites, and therefore one of the most capable of influencing the meta. 10. Hearthstone lunaloveee's Charge Warrior Deck build 2022. Token . Breath of Dreams and Overgrowth are key cards to keep in your mulligan, and playing them is your top priority. Demon Hunter; Druid; Hunter; Mage; Paladin; Priest; Rogue; Shaman . Dust Total: 9360. unchainedstats.com - A highly detailed site to check analytics around player rankings, match stats, deck trends and more! Last updated 53 mins ago ( Castle Nathria Pre-Patch) Standard. Find a seat, if you can, and check out the decks that are dominating the meta. Switcheroo Priest Deck 27 spells, 2 minions, 1 hero card meta standard full-guide spell combo. Hearthstone Tracker. The most popular Warrior deck back in the days, which remained a staple up to this day in the latest Classic format, is Control Warrior.
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